24b/6: This website follows this guy, David's email correspondence with various coworkers and people who have written him complaints/ posted bills for him, etc. He is completely ridiculous and you will find yourself struggling to stay in your seat from laughing so hard.
Perfectly timed photos: enough said. This is also a website that will make passing and wasting time welllll worth it.
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If we are not sharing these websites with each other and unsuccessfully stifling our laughter in the workplace, we are most likely sharing cooking recipes and/or talking about food. Below is the beginning dialogue that will eventually foster our joint business - a bakery (or similar).
me: "In 2010 Nicole and Tiffany shared an architectural internship, but all they could talk about was food..."
Tiffany: "Often their work suffered because they were constantly looking up recipes"
me: "sharing and comparing, they may not have produced much "architecture" during this time, but they ate well"
Tiffany: "pretty soon all they had time for was eating and going to the gym to support their eating habits"
me: "So they decided to leave Architecture where it was and give into their true passion - food"...
Tiffany: "much to the disappointment of their significant others, as they were hoping a large salary in architecture would follow their years of taking out student loans"
me: "luckily all of the time they spent perfecting recipes when they should have been focusing on furthering their architectural careers, made their new food creations a complete financial success."
Tiffany: "the end" haha
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