The first assignment in my Professional Practice architecture class was to write one page on what the practice of architecture is and what this means to me. As I was writing I realized that this may be one of the first times I have formally put what I feel most passionate about within architecture into writing. So here it is:
The practice of architecture covers a wide spectrum within the profession. Some architects want to design and erect an “icon” for the city and a name for themselves. Other architects humbly strive to achieve subtle beauty in restoration and redevelopment of existing structures. I believe that the true gauge of success in Architecture is how well the spaces created work for the people that use them. Why build a civic center that looks beautiful on paper, bustling with drawn-in crowds, only to find that this space is utterly lifeless in real life? When studying and practicing Architecture it is of the most importance to truly understand what scale, what proportion, what amount of light and dark, etc, will actually perform as well in person as hoped in drawing. I acknowledge that my first project(s) may not actually turn out as well as I hope, but I promise to practice, actually practice architecture, learning from my mistakes so that one day I can create spaces that improve people’s lives.
Perfectly put. I love it and I love YOU!