Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Which way is the wind blowing? Or is it blowing at all?"

After sitting in on an AIAS (American Institute of Architects - Students) lunch lecture I was assured of the harsh reality of the job market awaiting me post-graduation, but was also surprisingly encouraged.  A local principle at Tryba Architects, Chris Nims, who is also a staff member here at the University spoke on his perspective that this is one of the worst recessions that he has seen in his career.

I met Chris Nims about a year ago when, optimistic but scared little 1st year graduate student was I, met with him to gain advice on entering the Architecture world.  It was accurate that I should be intimidated by him, because I left that first visit feeling extremely overwhelmed and scared for all of the work and "networking" that stood between me and my dream job.  Most importantly, before I could really do anything, I needed an internship.  How do you get an internship, one could wonder, without any experience?  I was lost.

Since that intimidating day a year ago, I feel I have pushed forward and have earned the right to call myself an "intern architect" with a plan of breaking into the profession.  Chris spoke during today's lecture about the ways that I can advocate for my own career and create opportunities wherever I am at.  Of the things he listed that I should be working on now (the same list he presented me with a year ago) I can now confidently say that I am either already doing many of these, or have a plan in place to do them very soon.  Some of these items include:

  •  Gain Experience - my wonderful friend and current colleague, Tiffany Cellura whom I met 6 years ago at a Junior College in Los Angeles helped me to attain the incredible architectural internship job that we both currently hold.
  • Demonstrate leadership - A leadership roll at my current internship recently fell into my lap and I feel (a little overwhelmed) but also valued.
  • Spread  your Network - this was by-far the scariest of them all.  Currently I am meeting with female architects I have met through friends, getting to  know them and their careers.  I also am planning to attend many of the AIA upcoming events.  Both of these scary types of "networking" are less intimidating when they can be done with/through friends, rather than via cold calls and events.
  • Make your portfolio stand out - I am in a Digital Portfolio class this semester that is extremely challenging but will force me to push my limits and finish with a final (very good) product. 
I do hope and pray (starting early) for an awesome job come May.  I do trust that God will provide something when the time comes.  Even if this something is my back-up plan of opening a bakery with Tiffany :-)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Architecture Means to Me

The first assignment in my Professional Practice architecture class was to write one page on what the practice of architecture is and what this means to me.  As I was writing I realized that this may be one of the first times I have formally put what I feel most passionate about within architecture into writing.  So here it is:  

The practice of architecture covers a wide spectrum within the profession.  Some architects want to design and erect an “icon” for the city and a name for themselves.  Other architects humbly strive to achieve subtle beauty in restoration and redevelopment of existing structures.  I believe that the true gauge of success in Architecture is how well the spaces created work for the people that use them.  Why build a civic center that looks beautiful on paper, bustling with drawn-in crowds, only to find that this space is utterly lifeless in real life?  When studying and practicing Architecture it is of the most importance to truly understand what scale, what proportion, what amount of light and dark, etc, will actually perform as well in person as hoped in drawing.  I acknowledge that my first project(s) may not actually turn out as well as I hope, but I promise to practice, actually practice architecture, learning from my mistakes so that one day I can create spaces that improve people’s lives.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another day at the office..

 I found a website of random things you can chose to "like" on facebook.  One of them being:

Tiffany:  that awkward moment where you make a milkshake and no one comes to the yard
 me:  I don't even know what that means
 Tiffany:  "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours.  i can teach you but i'd have to charge"
 me:  haha I know the song
 Tiffany:  well its kinda awkward if the boys dont come to the yard
 me:  that is awkward
that was the most ridiculous conversation

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's Not Wasting Time if its Hillarious

24b/6: This website follows this guy, David's email correspondence with various coworkers and people who have written him complaints/ posted bills for him, etc.  He is completely ridiculous and you will find yourself struggling to stay in your seat from laughing so hard.
Perfectly timed photos: enough said.  This is also a website that will make passing and wasting time welllll worth it.
 ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
If we are not sharing these websites with each other and unsuccessfully stifling our laughter in the workplace, we are most likely sharing cooking recipes and/or talking about food. Below is the beginning dialogue that will eventually foster our joint business - a bakery (or similar).
me: "In 2010 Nicole and Tiffany shared an architectural internship, but all they could talk about was food..."
Tiffany: "Often their work suffered because they were constantly looking up recipes"
me: "sharing and comparing, they may not have produced much "architecture" during this time, but they ate well"
Tiffany: "pretty soon all they had time for was eating and going to the gym to support their eating habits"
me: "So they decided to leave Architecture where it was and give into their true passion - food"...  
Tiffany: "much to the disappointment of their significant others, as they were hoping a large salary in architecture would follow their years of taking out student loans"
me: "luckily all of the time they spent perfecting recipes when they should have been focusing on furthering their architectural careers, made their new food creations a complete financial success."
Tiffany: "the end" haha

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Probably the Best Cupcakes Ever

Chocolate Chip Cupcakes Recipe_ Martha Stewart
If you think that warm just-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies are as good as it gets - well it just got better.  These are amazing.  Seriously.  I put chocolate frosting on them (you can never get enough chocolate) and well, you get the point.  Try them.

My friend Jenn and I made these last week for the second-to-last episode of The Bachelorette.  We've been getting a group of friends together to watch this (guilty pleasure) show since the beginning.  And most nights more guys than girls show up.  The show is pretty entertaining, however the real entertainment comes from my friend Pat who can make almost any situation hillarious.  Last week he blurted out something along the lines of "I Love you Chris, you are prefect..." something to the extent that sort of made me wonder....  just kidding Pat.

Maybe I'll Try this Blogging Thing Out

I've always hated writing.  But I love writing in my journal.  As an attempt to improve (or just give myself some confidence in writing) I have decided to give this blogging thing a chance.  I am about to enter my final semester of graduate school for a Master's of Architecture.  I find myself wondering about how exactly this will all play out in my life post-school.  I intend to blog my way through this quarter-life crisis.

I also thing I need to mention that cooking and baking need a place in this blog.  My first year of marriage has provided me with the perfect backdrop for kitchen experimentation.  The successful recipes just have to be shared!

My bus ride to and from Denver each day gives me ample time for reading.  I just finished reading Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  This book has inspired me to view my life as a story.  I hope that the story of my life is and can continue to become a good one that is interesting to be read.